Amazon API ver5.0への移行通知が来た (ホワイトカラー業務は英語ができないと辛い)

Hello associate,

This is a reminder that you must complete the upgrade to Amazon’s Product Advertising API version 5.0 (PA API 5.0) by March 9, 2020. We have identified that in the past 30 days at least one of your applications was making calls to PA API 4.0.

PA API 5.0 is a more simple, granular, and consistent API that enables you to quickly and easily link your content to Amazon.

Key Features & Changes

  • Access information about the latest offers and products in the entire Amazon product database/catalog, such as Prime discounts, multi-currency formats, and shipping eligibility
  • Newer, improved ways to get the most relevant and up to date product information
  • Rapid integration and easier development with lower engineering cost through use of popular tools and languages

You may continue to use both PA API 4.0 and PA API 5.0 without disruption through March 9, 2020. After that date, we will shut down PA API 4.0, and any application calling it will no longer be able to retrieve Amazon product information.

Click here for more information on PA API 5.0. To upgrade to PA API 5.0, please follow BOTH of the two steps below:

1. Migrate your AWS account to a Product Advertising API account, if you have not done so already.

2. After completing step 1, upgrade each of your applications to PA API 5.0, as per the details here.

If you have further questions or problems with the upgrade, please contact us here and include your Store ID.

The Amazon Associates Program







"make you feel, make you think."


(Saionji General Trading & Business Development)


Lose Yourself , Change Yourself.
説明しよう!西園寺貴文とは、常識と大衆に反逆する「社会不適合者」である!平日の昼間っからスタバでゴロゴロするかと思えば、そのまま軽いノリでソー◯をお風呂代わりに利用。挙句の果てには気分で空港に向かい、当日券でそのままどこかへ飛んでしまうという自由を履き違えたピーターパンである!「働かざること山の如し」。彼がただのニートと違う点はたった1つだけ!そう。それは「圧倒的な書く力」である。ペンは剣よりも強し。ペンを握った男の「逆転」ヒップホッパー的反逆人生。そして「ここ」は、そんな西園寺貴文の生き方を後続の者たちへと伝承する、極めてアンダーグラウンドな世界である。 U-18、厳禁。低脳、厳禁。情弱、厳禁。