年寄りがうざい、嫌い in アメリカ




One of the most memorable ones. This old guy walks in and asks me if I have rooms. As the night was busy, I had a handful of rooms left and I wasn’t allowed to give discounts.

“How much for a room?”

I can already tell this dude is going to be a dingleberry just by how he speaks. “78 dollars for a room with one king. That’s all I’ve got left.”

“That’s too damn much. You got any discounts?”

“No sir, we don’t. 78 is the best available rate.”

Then outta fucking nowhere, he yells,

“Fuck you!” at this point I wanted to tell him to get lost, but I keep my cool and say “Sorry. There is nothing I can do.” He takes the room (probably because there weren’t any options left in town). But I get my sweet revenge. At 11:30 at night, I call his room and I hang up. To wake him up. Then at 2 in the morning, I call the room again and hang out. I know that’s probably uncalled for, but God damn man, fuck him too.



In my experience, when I was a kid, old people were the shit. They were the WWII / Depression generation, typically very humble and sweet. Nowadays, 20ish years later, it’s the boomers that are the old people, and holy hell are they rotten. Not universally of course, since my mom and stepdad are part of that group and they – along with all their friends – are pretty damn sweet, but there seem to be sooooo many bad apples from that era.












"make you feel, make you think."


(Saionji General Trading & Business Development)


Lose Yourself , Change Yourself.
説明しよう!西園寺貴文とは、常識と大衆に反逆する「社会不適合者」である!平日の昼間っからスタバでゴロゴロするかと思えば、そのまま軽いノリでソー◯をお風呂代わりに利用。挙句の果てには気分で空港に向かい、当日券でそのままどこかへ飛んでしまうという自由を履き違えたピーターパンである!「働かざること山の如し」。彼がただのニートと違う点はたった1つだけ!そう。それは「圧倒的な書く力」である。ペンは剣よりも強し。ペンを握った男の「逆転」ヒップホッパー的反逆人生。そして「ここ」は、そんな西園寺貴文の生き方を後続の者たちへと伝承する、極めてアンダーグラウンドな世界である。 U-18、厳禁。低脳、厳禁。情弱、厳禁。